Good Shepherd Lutheran Church
Marshall, Minnesota
“I am the Good Shepherd.
The Good Shepherd lays down His life for the sheep” (John 10:11).
Welcome to Good Shepherd Lutheran Church!
At Good Shepherd you will find our focus is proclaiming the Good Shepherd who laid down His life for the sheep. St. Paul says it like this in 1 Corinthians 1:23: “We preach Christ crucified.”
Our preaching and teaching is centered in the dying and rising Good Shepherd. He laid down His life for His sheep, and He took up His life again. The lifeblood of the congregation is the dying and rising Good Shepherd. Every service, every Bible Study, proclaims the Good Shepherd so that the sheep Jesus is gathering into His fold might hear His voice (John 10:16).
Good Shepherd Lutheran Church is a member of the Lutheran Church – Missouri Synod (LCMS). You may learn more about our beliefs and practices here: https://www.lcms.org/belief-and-practice.
Our Mission We, the members of Good Shepherd Lutheran Church, believing the Bible to be God's inspired and inerrent Word, acknowledging that Jesus Christ is Lord, and affirming that we are saved by grace through faith in Him alone, offer the following as our statement of mission: Empowered by the Holy Spirit and loving our neighbors as ourselves, we, as ambassadors for Christ, must strive to make disciples of all nations; Using the gifts the Lord has given to each of us, we must help the saints to grow in unity of faith through regular worship attendance, the partaking of the Sacraments, the study of God's Word, and by administering to the spiritual needs of others; We will persevere in prayer and thanksgiving for all the opportunities and blessings which God places before us. Our History Good Shepherd Lutheran Church was formed in 1964. Our first worship services were conducted at East Side Elementary School. Our first building was completed in 1966. For 29 years, worship was held in what is now our Social Hall. In January of 1993 we burned the debt on the original building. Construction of a new addition began on June 9, 1994. The Service of Dedication for the Lord's Sanctuary took place on August 20, 1995. Over the years we have grown from a charter congregation with just a few members to a congregation of approximately 400 baptized members.